In praise of Termius, the best terminal (telnet, SSH) client for the iPhone or iPad

Just wanted to give a shout out where due. I’ve been using an iPad since 2010 (started with the original) and an iPhone since 2011 (when the iPhone 4S became available for Sprint). I’ve used a lot of different terminal programs. iSSH was an early favorite; I can’t remember all the others. None were as feature-complete and easy to use as Termius. And while I rarely need to rely on support, I got caught a bit by surprise by a new restriction in iOS 14 and padOS 14 that, in retrospect, I knew about (from ForeFlight support), but when it impacted Termius it slipped my mind. I filled out their support form late on Sunday and by the time I woke up this morning they’d provided the answer (going into (iOS) Settings → Termius and enabling access to “Local Network”).
